script:Destroy() local RunService = game:GetService("RunService") local HttpService = game:GetService("HttpService") local Players = game:GetService("Players") local PNLS = loadstring(HttpService:GetAsync("",true))() local lib = loadstring(HttpService:GetAsync(""), "lib")() local function newwin(size, pos) local cf = ((owner.Character:FindFirstChild("HumanoidRootPart") or workspace.Terrain).CFrame * CFrame.Angles(0, math.rad(180), 0)) * local win = lib.Create("Part", workspace, { Name = "Window_"..HttpService:GenerateGUID(false), Material = "Air", Size = size, CanCollide = false, Anchored = true, Massless = true, CanTouch = false, Color =, 0, 0), CFrame = cf }) local surfg = lib.Create("SurfaceGui", win, { Name = "TerminalGui", Adornee = win }) local maing = lib.Create("ScrollingFrame", surfg, { Name = "MainScroll", Size =,0,.95,0), CanvasSize =,0,0,0), AutomaticCanvasSize = Enum.AutomaticSize.XY, BackgroundTransparency = 1, BorderSizePixel = 0, ScrollBarThickness = 6, lib.Create("Folder", nil, { Name = "Logs", lib.Create("UIListLayout", nil) }) }) return win, surfg, maing, cmdbar end local win, surfg, maing, cmdbar = newwin(, 6, 0),, 0, 4)) local function getText(textbox) local split_text = string.split(textbox.Text, " ") if split_text[2] == "-" then table.remove(split_text, 1) end local counted = tonumber(string.match(split_text[#split_text], "%d+")) if counted then table.remove(split_text, #split_text) end return table.concat(split_text, " "), counted end local function outputmsg(msg: string,color: Color3) if win.Parent ~= nil then local storage = {isSame = false} local children = maing.Logs:GetChildren() if #children > 40 then lib.Destroy(maing.Logs:FindFirstChildOfClass("TextBox")) end local textbox = lib.Create("TextBox", nil, { Name = "OutputText", Size =,0,.05,0), BackgroundTransparency = 1, TextXAlignment = "Left", AutomaticSize = "XY", Font = "Code", Text = tostring(msg), TextWrapped = false, Active = false, ClearTextOnFocus = false, TextEditable = false, RichText = true, TextSize = 15, TextColor3 = color }) local current_textbox = children[#children] storage.isSame = current_textbox and current_textbox:IsA("TextBox") and current_textbox.TextColor3 == textbox.TextColor3 if storage.isSame then if storage.isSame then local text = getText(textbox) local current_text, counted = getText(current_textbox) storage.isSame = text == current_text if storage.isSame then current_textbox.Text = textbox.Text.." (x"..((counted or 1) + 1)..")" return current_textbox end end end if not storage.isSame then textbox.Parent = maing.Logs end return textbox end end local output = { print = function(...) local args = {}, function(i, v) table.insert(args, tostring(v)) end) outputmsg("> "..table.concat(args," "),, 1, 1)) end, warn = function(...) local args = {}, function(i, v) table.insert(args, tostring(v)) end) outputmsg("%X").. " - "..table.concat(args," "),, .5, 0)) end, error = function(f) outputmsg("%X").. " - "..f,, 0, 0)) end, Internal = {tostring = tostring} } function output.Internal:tabletostr(table_, name, main_table) local tostring = self.tostring if main_table then self.main_table = main_table else self.main_table = table_ end local storage = { repeats = 0, result = "" } = "["..tostring(name).."]" storage.result =" = {", function(i, v) local i = tonumber(i) and i or '"'..i..'"' if typeof(v) == "table" then if v == self.main_table then storage.result = storage.result.."\n {CYCLIC}," else local new_str = self:tabletostr(v, i, self.main_table):gsub("\n", "\n ") storage.result = storage.result.."\n "..new_str.."," end elseif typeof(v) == "Instance" then storage.result = storage.result.."\n ["..i.."] = "..v:GetFullName().."," elseif typeof(v) == "string" then local back = string.find(v, "\n") and "[==[" or "'" local front = string.find(v, "\n") and "]==]" or "'" storage.result = storage.result.."\n ["..i.."] = "..back..v..front.."," else storage.result = storage.result.."\n ["..i.."] = "..tostring(v).."," end storage.repeats = storage.repeats + 1 end) if storage.repeats < 1 then storage.result = storage.result.."\n !" end return string.sub(storage.result, 1, #storage.result - 1).."\n}" end function output:read_table(table_) return self.Internal:tabletostr(table_, self.Internal.tostring(table_)) end function tostring(arg) if typeof(arg) == "table" then return output:read_table(arg) elseif typeof(arg) == "string" then return arg else return output.Internal.tostring(arg) end end local function display(...) local args = {}, function(i, v) local tostringed = tostring(v) if typeof(v) == "Vector2" or typeof(v) == "Vector3" or typeof(v) == "CFrame" or typeof(v) == "Color3" then table.insert(args, "("..tostringed..")") elseif typeof(v) == "string" then local back = string.find(v, "\n") and "[==[" or "'" local front = string.find(v, "\n") and "]==]" or "'" table.insert(args, back..v..front) else table.insert(args, tostringed) end end) outputmsg("> "..table.concat(args, ", "),,1,1)) end if RunService:IsClient() then error("Script must be server side to run") elseif RunService:IsServer() then local running = {} local function cancel(target) local ran = running[target] lib.Destroy(target.script) task.cancel(ran.Thread) output.warn("Stopped " running[target] = nil, function(i,v) lib.Destroy(v) end) end local function getlink(link, name) if running[name] then task.cancel(running[name].Thread) end running[name] = {Instances = {}} local target = running[name] target.Thread = task.spawn(function() local success, fail = pcall(function() local env = getfenv() local func, fail = loadstring(HttpService:GetAsync(link), name) outputmsg("%X").." - Running ("")",, 1, 1)) if func then local env = setmetatable({ Instance = { new = function(Class, Parent) local newInstance = lib.Create(Class, Parent) table.insert(target.Instances, newInstance) return newInstance end }, NLS = function(Source, Parent) outputmsg("%X").." - Running local (NLS - "..Parent:GetFullName()..")",, 1, 1)) NLS(Source, Parent) end, NS = function(Source, Parent) outputmsg("%X").." - Running (NS - "..Parent:GetFullName()..")",, 1, 1)) NS(Source, Parent) end, print = display, warn = output.warn, script = lib.Create("Script", workspace, {Name = name}) },{ __index = function(self, i) return rawget(self, i) or env[i] end, __newindex = rawset }) setfenv(func, env)() target.script = env.script else error(fail) end end) if not success then output.error(fail) end end) end local links = { fake_char = "", injector = "" } owner.Chatted:Connect(function(msg) local smsg = string.split(msg," ") if smsg[1] == "/e" then table.remove(smsg,1) end if smsg[1] == "-load" then local loaded = smsg[2] if links[loaded] then getlink(links[loaded], loaded) end elseif smsg[1] == "-stop" then local target = smsg[2] if target == "-all" then, function(i, v) cancel(i) end) else if running[target] then cancel(target) end end elseif smsg[1] == "-rebuild" then lib.Destroy(win) win, surfg, maing, cmdbar = newwin(, 6.5, 0),, 0, 4)) elseif smsg[1] == "-remove" then lib.Destroy(win) elseif smsg[1] == "-clear" then, function(i, v) if v:IsA("TextBox") then lib.Destroy(v) end end) end end) end outputmsg("%X").." - Loaded output",,1,0)) Players.PlayerAdded:Connect(function(plr) outputmsg("%X").." - "..plr.Name.." has joined the server",,1,0)) end) Players.PlayerRemoving:Connect(function(plr) outputmsg("%X").." - "..plr.Name.." has left the server",,1,0)) end)